
Saturday 13 June 2015

That was a really fun weekend!

Last Sunday I went with my dad to the hairdresser because he wanted to have a haircut. Our transport was my dad's car and the family members who came with us were my mum and brother.

I felt so excited to see what my dad would look like after his haircut. While my dad was having his haircut, I actually had so much fun playing around the grass outside. Then I decided to make a video about an adventure on the grass. Eventually my dad finished his haircut and surprisingly, he looked amazingly handsome!

During the ride back home, I was playing a game called Flappy You and I couldn't stop playing because it was so addicting! It's a game like Flappy Bird but you can put your face on the bird and you can unlock different types of birds. They are called, Flapper, Glider and Hunter. Flapper is the default one and to unlock Glider you have to dodge 15 pipes. For Hunter you have to dodge 40 pipes. It was a great day because it was the day I dodged 79 pipes! I unlocked Hunter and I got the best score ever!

When we got home I ran quickly to the computer because I had to upload a video for my YouTube channel. My YouTube channel's name is DeRpYgObLiN. After I uploaded a video I then watched some YouTube videos for more inspiration about making videos.

I thought it was a day full of adventures but it could have been better if I had a better understanding of running a YouTube channel where I create and upload videos for people to watch.

WALT: Understand how to use appropriate descriptive language.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I use adjectives to make my writing more interesting. 

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