
Friday 8 April 2016

Horror Wall: Undead Surprise Chapter 2

The night was the longest night of their lives. They soon started to search for an exit from the graveyard. James found a small, copper dagger that has been hidden inside a large bush, Caleb found some pieces of rope and a large, pointy twig and Jasmine found some scraps of bendy metal. They tried to make whatever they can that maybe could be of use if there are any mysterious creatures.
 skeleton in a coffin  animationJasmine took the small dagger and she cut the large branch in half. Then she used the dagger to make two blade-like shapes with two pieces of scrap metal. Then she wrapped the rope between the blade and the large twig to make two more daggers. Then as the moon turned blood red and many moans were heard in the graveyard, they soon realised that something has been dwelling in the graveyard and has been watching them.

Then hands started to come out of gravestones, alive bonewalkers came out of their coffins and strange supernatural things were happening. The children used their weapons to fight off the zombies and bonewalkers, but it wasn’t enough. Their daggers broke after they have killed a couple of zombies. Caleb had a good idea to use the bones of the bonewalkers the make a spear and surprisingly they were more durable than the metal daggers.
asian eyes   animation
They finally obliterated all of the zombies and bonewalkers, but then strange whispers went to Caleb’s head and he felt very vulnerable and weak. He was seeing ghost-like images and his siblings looked like they had black blood oozing out of their eyes. He thought he was seeing things but in a short moment he fell to the hard concrete. What do you think will happen next and what will happen to Caleb?

Who knows what will happen...

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